Listed are various applications ranging from bartending to zoning change. Applications will not be processed until the appropriate fees are received at the Village Office.
Operator License application. This license is required for all individuals, who are at least 18 years of age, and will be responsible for selling or serving alcohol.
Building Permit application. A building/zoning permit is required for all property owners who are doing any type of construction including but not limited to: new construction, remodeling, fencing, decks, yard barns/portable storage sheds. A permit is not required for siding, replacement windows (as long as they are the same size) and roofing unless the pitch or roof line changes.
Conditional Use Permit application. A Conditional Use permit is required when a property owner requests to change the use of the land or building from what the zoning classification allows.
Petition for Variance. The variance process is used when a property owner asks for a variance to setback requirements, structure height, use of lots, off-street parking, signage or any other applicable cause. In order to grant the variance, the Board of Appeals must have proof that a hardship would be caused without the variance.
Petition for Rezoning. Used when a property owner requests to change the current zoning classification of real estate.
Water and Sewer service. An application for a new water and sewer service within the Village is required.