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Tax Information

Each fall the Village prepares the budget for the next year.  Revenues and expenditures are reviewed from the current year and the previous two years.  Any new projects are considered and estimated costs are obtained.

Once the Board approves the millrate, the County Offices print the tax statements.  The tax statements are sorted and mailed out by the Village Clerk's Office. 

Real Estate:  The first half of real estate taxes are due by January 31st.  This payment is made to the Village of Muscoda and can be hand delivered (206 N Wisconsin Ave), or placed in the drop box behind the bike rack, or  mailed (POB 206, Muscoda, WI  53573).  If you do not pay your tax bill in full, the second half is due by July 31st and made payable to the Grant County Treasurer at 111 S Jefferson, PO Box 430, Lancaster, WI  53813 OR Iowa County Treasurer at 222 N Iowa, Dodgeville, WI  53533

Personal Property:  Personal Property is due to the Village of Muscoda by January 31st of each year.

Call the Village Office at 608-739-3182 between 8:00am - 4:30pm and speak with Cinda or Amy regarding your tax statement.

Any questions or concerns regaridng the assessed value of your home should be directed to the assessor: at  Associated Appraisal   

Go to Grant County land records and tax bills to view Grant County taxes and values.

Go to Iowa County land records and tax bills to view Iowa County taxes and values.