People you know – Service you trust


Service Forms

Utiltiy Service FormsWhether you need new service, will be out of town for a few months, or want to know payment options, you can find the form you need below. Have questions? Call us at 608-739-3182.

Apply for New Service

Welcome to the area! We are pleased to be your utility provider. You can stop by our office at 206 N Wisconsin Avenue 8:00 am – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday to complete a service application or, if you prefer, you can download the service application and either email the completed application to or bring it with you to the office.  We do need a copy of your drivers’ license when applying for new service.  

Change Mailing Address

We know that occasionally our customers will want their utility bill sent to an address that is different than their service address. For instance, you now have a PO box or have closed a PO Box.  Or you will be on an extended time away.   Please complete the Change of Address form

Automatic Payment (ACH)

Payments may also be made by automatic withdrawal from your checking or savings account. To use this method, call our office at 608-739-4617 or download the Authorization for Direct Payment [ACH - PAP form] and return it to us along with a voided check.  Or stop in and we will make a copy of your check instead.

Some advantages to using direct automatic payment are:

  • Helps avoid late or missed payments
  • No need to write checks
  • No postage costs
  • Transfers funds safely, securely and directly from your account
  • There is no extra charge for this service

When enrolled in this convenient service, you will continue to receive a statement at the beginning of each month detailing the amount to be debited from your savings or checking account on the 20th of each month.

Summer Watering Program

Residential customers may sign up for the Summer Watering Program.  If you water your lawn or flowers in summer, you may avoid some sewer charges for those water gallons by electing to have sewerage volume estimated for the months of June, July and August.  We average three (3) months of water usage during the rest of the year and charge for sewer usage based on that water volume. The estimated amount of water usage will be calculated by averaging three (3) months of usage when the residence is occupied. 

To be eligible for current year, written election must be made prior to April 30th. Once written election has been made, a five dollar ($5.00) processing fee will added to your June utility bill each year in the form of a miscellaneous charge.  This estimate and annual fee will continue until you provide written notice to revoke the service or you no longer reside at the address.

If a residential home is not occupied for six (6) months, a minimum sewerage charge of 1,000 gallons will be charged for the months or June, July and August.

Call us if you have questions on any of these programs.  608-739-3182