The Grant County Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) - Muscoda Senior Meal Site, is located in the Kratochwill Memorial Building at 206 N Wisconsin Avenue. The cozy room is the former public Library, now located at 400 N Wisconsin Avenue and, prior to COVID, our meal site was a great place for Seniors 60 and over to gather for meals, activities, and much more.
At this time all meals are delivered and our meal site is not open for public gathering or eating meals. Meals are delivered by volunteers about noon Monday through Friday unless a Holiday falls during the week. Reservations must be made one day in advance. Deanna, Manager for the Muscoda Meal Site, may be contacted at 608-739-3180, Monday – Friday, 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
If you are interested in volunteering, contact Deanna or ADRC at 608-723-6113 or 800-514-0066.
For more information see Grant County - ADRC